Art Laboratory, Peep Show and Personal Service Auction for Carol Queen’s
Birthday and Benefit for Dixie*
*Carol Queen and Robert’s
beloved truck, Dixie, badly smashed by a hit and run driver
featuring Annie Sprinkle, Elizabeth Stephens, Lady Monster, Mint Julep, Shanda-Leer,
Sadie Lune, Scarlot Harlot, Dee Dee Russell, Charlie Anders, Melinda Adams
and more!
• Visit Annie Sprinkle and Elizabeth Stephens famous interactive "Cuddle,"
from "Love Art Laboratory" where art patrons can cuddle between
• Service Auction- Bid on a lap dance, massage, or other personal services
for the evening!
• Peep Show-Bid on a private show or a peek behind the curtain
Saturday, July 16 8-11 PM
Donation: $10-$100 and all funds raised go to the revival of Dixie (the truck,
not the south)
Location: Center for Sex and Culture/Epicenter Gallery 398 11th St., San
Volunteer & info: performers, services to auction, donors, artists
and more.
If you prefer, you can donate through PAYPAL at http://www.carolqueen/com/dixierevival
Party and play at the Love Art Laboratory/Peep Show/Auction
where you can bid on a range of
exciting treats and celebrate Carol Queen's Birthday!
Join us for this fun, provocative
and lucrative evening as we raise the roof and the funds for Dixie (the truck).
More About the Dixie Revival
On June 16th in the middle of the night, someone actually smashed Carol Queen
and Robert’s beloved truck, Dixie, when it was parked on the street.
Carol and Robert were not in it, so they were not injured, but it was a hit
and run accident, so there is no insurance to cover it. Dixie is truly a
great truck, and she has done much volunteer work for the Center for Sex
and Culture, carting around everything from food to furniture. She is very
progressive and a hard worker.
Dixie (her actual name) is a very historic truck! Reportedly she was once
owned by a lesbian attorney couple who helped win Lawrence vs. Texas. The
owner before Carol and Robert was a public interest attorney who defended
the elderly against fraud.
The damages total to Dixie over $5,000 and it cost nearly $2,000.00 to get
her running again. After that Robert will try to do the remaining work. They
need this truck to keep the Center for Sex and Culture running, of course.
Founding and running the CSC has been a labor of love for them; neither Carol
nor Robert gets any kind of payment from that work. Robert’s on disability
and Carol handles the rest of their bills with her freelance work and her
half-time job at Good Vibrations.