Intelligent Articles About Elliot Spitzer
by Carol Leigh, Prostitutes' Education Network
Editor's Note:
Needless to say,
I have been reading a lot of reductive, stupid material in the wake
of the New York Governor's prostitution scandal. I am posting some
of the best articles here. Please email you recommendations to carol@bayswan.org
true folly by Elizabeth Pisani
A governor who pays for sex should know to mould social policies on
reality, not morality. Guradian, UK 3/14/08
Caught in His Own Reign of Terror by Jeffrey Tucker
In a twist of hypocrisy reminiscent of the prohibition era, Spitzer
himself has been caught in one of his own sting operations, a full
audio and paper trail of his having sought and used an online "escort
service" for his own pleasure and at great expense.
Dangerous Liaisons by Tracy Quan
As a former sex
worker, I’m puzzled by what is reported to be Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s
preference for the riskiest form of indoor prostitution I have ever
experienced. Escort agencies are constantly being investigated, infiltrated
and spied on.
Double Lives of High-Priced Call Girls by Cara Buckley and Andrew
They are three young women practicing the 21st-century version of
the oldest profession, inhabitants of the secret world of the high-priced
call girl that was thrust into the spotlight last week when Gov. Eliot
Spitzer was identified as one of 10 clients of the Emperor’s
Club V.I.P. caught on a federal wiretap. None are involved in the
case — though Ms. Xi’an said she interviewed with the
Emperor’s Club and was turned away for lack of a modeling portfolio
— but they provide a glimpse into the prostitution industry,
a sprawling and rapidly growing underground universe that in the last
decade has almost wholly migrated online.
Bush Watergated Eliot Spitzer
The spectacular and highly bizarre release of secret FBI wiretap data
to the New York Times exposing the tryst of New York state Governor,
Eliot Spitzer, “No.9” with a luxury call-girl, had less
to do with the Bush Administration’s high moral standards for
public servants. Spitzer was the target of a White House and Wall
Street dirty tricks operation to silence one of its most dangerous
critics in handling the current financial market Tsunami crisis.
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